4 nov 2017

Girl with umbrella

A few years ago there was a time of much dryness in a certain part of England. No rain had fallen for several weeks, and it seemed as if the crops would all perish for want of moisture. A few pious farmers who believed in the power of prayer asked their minister to make a special supplication on a particular Sunday for the needed blessing of rain.


The day came, and was as bright and cloudless as those which had preceded it. Among the congregation the minister noticed a little Sunday scholar, who carried a large old-fashioned umbrella. 


"Why, Mary," he exclaimed, "what could have induced you to bring an umbrella on such a lovely morning as this?"

"I thought, sir," answered Mary, "that as we were going to pray for rain I should be sure to want the umbrella."

The minister patted her cheek good naturedly and the service began. Presently the wind rose, the clouds gathered, and at length the long-desired rain fell in torrents. Mary and the minister went home together under the umbrella, while the rest of the congregation reached their dwellings well drenched. 


Let us follow Mary's example, and always pray, not only hoping that God may hear, but believing that He does hear, and will send us what we ask if it is good for us.

Therefore I say to you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them  Mark 11:24

Source: Biblical Illustrator

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Hello Ariella,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog today. I was going to email you the answer to your question about what it is that I am reading, but I could not find an email address for you so I will write here. I hope that is okay.

    But first, I wanted you to know that I have just finished reading many of your latest posts and discovered that you have the shingles. Oh my friend how I feel for you. I had shingles on my back about three years ago so I understand your pain. You will be in my prayers.

    Now...for the books I currently have on my stand: On the Kindle I am reading Ann Voskamp's latest book entitled Be the Gift. It is a very good read. Then the hardback books are 31 Proverbs to Light Your Path by Liz Curtis Higgs, Fierece Hearted by Holley Gerth, A Path Through Suffering by Elizabeth Elliot, and then a novel by Jan Karon entitled To Be Where You Are. When I have finished those I have many in my bookcase that I have not yet read. :)

  2. Excellent example of simple faith! Yes, I have heard this story before, but LOVE hearing it again and again! I love to collect answers to prayer and I do believe this story is in one of my "Answers to Prayer" notebooks. I am currently reading a book which is a large collection of answers to prayer and it is so encouraging! Thank you for this story :)

  3. This is a lovely and inspiring story.

  4. That's a lovely story. I think it is hard for Christians to believe that their prayers will be answered. When they are, there is much rejoicing!

  5. Yes, let's follow Mary and believing in a God that longs to bless us!

  6. Like Mary, we should all pray, believing that God answers our prayers.

  7. Mooi hè, Mary geloofde zo vast in God, dat de gebeden zeker zullen verhoord worden. Zij is een goed voorbeeld voor allen.

  8. Beautiful and inspiring story! I love the picture too of the girl with umbrella!

  9. The pure faith of children is always inspiring.

  10. This is a beautiful and a most special story. I loved it.

