29 feb 2020


I thank my God on every remembrance of you .... being confident of this very thing, that he which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philppians 1:6)
What a sweet portion is this for the aged disciples of the Lord Jesus; heart and flesh may fail them, but God will not forsake them. Having begun a good work in them, he will carry it on. He will be as kind, as tender, and as gracious at last as at the first. He will carry us. 

The eternal God is our refuge, underneath are the everlasting arms. (Deuteronomy 33:27) 

He will carry us safely through every danger, over every difficulty, into his presence and glory.

Lean upon your God
Aged pilgrim, lean upon your God; look unto him; and as the nurse carries the sucking child, so will your God carry you. He will prove himself faithful to his word, and ultimately call you forth as a witness to the same.

God will support you
Fear not then in reference to the evening of old age: your God will supply you; He will support you; and at last land you safe where the storms of trouble never blow, where weakness and fear are never felt.

Take no anxious thought for the morrow; let the morrow take thought for the things of itself; sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof (Matthew 6:34). 

The promise of your God cannot fail you; He will guide you and carry you to his kingdom and glory.

Source: James Smith  (with thank to Avis)

13 opmerkingen:

  1. Amen, so perfect. I receive this word today Aritha.
    Thank you!! Blessings!!♡

  2. Powerful. Encouraging. Thank you, Aritha! ❤️

  3. Yes! So encouraging! He will never fail his children!

  4. True words, Aritha! May we lean on our Lord more and more!

  5. Hi Aritha, that is right. The Lord will never fail us, and when we follow His ways it can only draw us closer to Him. God bless.

  6. Thank you, dear friend. I needed this so much. Love you.

  7. I really love verse 5 of Song of Salomon 8:
    'Who is this coming up from the wilderness
    leaning upon her beloved?'

  8. HI Aritha,
    Praise God that He will never forsake us, that He will heal us, that He will empower us to do His work, and that He will bring us safely home! Thanks for the great post and God bless,

  9. Sweet Aritha - what a lovely and encouraging post...one I constantly need to be reminded - He will never leave us or forsake us. Hugs!

  10. Hi Aritha, I was just looking at Brenda's blog and was reminded that you had posted a comment on my blog. Thought I'd check out your blog too. This post was very encouraging to this aging pilgrim. Thank you

  11. This is beautiful! Thank you Aritha! ❤
