21 okt 2017

And carries the little man too

A minister told me that one day he wanted to bring his books upstairs into another room, for he was going to have his study on the first floor, instead of downstairs.  His little boy wanted to help father and carry some of the books. The minister said:

I knew he could not do it, but as he wanted to be doing something, to please him and to do him good by encouraging his industry, I told him he might take a book and carry it up. 


So away he went, and picked out one of the biggest volumes -  Caryl on Job or Poli Synopsis, I should think -  and when he had climbed a step or two up the stairs, down he sat and began to cry. He could not manage to carry his big book any farther. He was disappointed and unhappy. How did the matter end? 

The father had to go to the rescue, and carry both the great book and the little man. 

So, when the Lord gives us a work to do, we are glad to do it, but our strength is not equal to the work, and then we sit down and cry, and it comes to this, that our blessed Father carries the work and carries the little man too, and then it is all done and done gloriously.

Source: C.H Spurgeon

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Encouraging word and post!! Thank you!! Blessings!

  2. What a lovely illustration. I needed that message today!! Thank you.

  3. What a wonderful illustration! Praise God that He Alone is our strength and salvation.

  4. What a beautiful illustration of the scripture.

  5. Wat een mooi voorbeeld hoe de Vader ons draagt wanneer wij zwak zijn.
