26 okt 2017

Our God is always love.

"God is love," was the motto on a weathercock. The owner on being asked "if he meant to imply that the love of God was as fickle as the wind?" replied: "No, I mean which ever way the wind blows, God is love.


We must beware of watering down "God is Love" into "God is loving," or even "God of all beings is the most loving." Love is not a mere attribute of God; like light, it is his very nature.

He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. (1 John 4:8)


1 John 4 verse 8. In giving the opposite, John again varies the thought, this time very remarkably. Instead of "love is of God" (verse 7), we have "God is Love" - a far deeper thought!


So, if cold from the north, or biting from the east, still God is love as much as when the warm south, or genial west wind refreshes our fields and flocks. Yes, so it is; our God is always love.

Source: Pulpit Commentary, Biblical Illustrator

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Thank you for sharing this, Ariella, because I think many times we do look at it as an attribute of God rather than realizing that it is His very nature. It is who He is. Blessings to you on your weekend.

  2. Yes! Such good truth! I have posted that very same illustration on Facebook before! How interesting! Yes! GOD IS ALWAYS GOOD! He is goodness itself! Any troubles that come our way are the results of the Fall in the garden of Eden.
    Psalm 145:17- The Lord is righteous in all his ways and holy in all his works.
    Psalm 92:15 ...the Lord is upright: he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him. Psalm 5:4- For thou are not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee. AND many more verses that state we serve a God that is Good and a God that is Love!

  3. Amen! God IS love, and He loved us first and laid down His life for us! Thanks for the beautiful post and God bless!

  4. Amen!
    The steadfast Love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end!!(Lamentations 3:22)
    Blessings to you Ariella, thank you for sharing such s beautiful message today!
