7 sep 2019


PSALM 42:5 | Why are you cast down, O my soul? and why are you disquieted in me? hope you in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.

Nothing escapes God's eyes.
If even the fall of a sparrow is noticed
by our Heavenly Father,
how much more would He notice
what happens to be breaking your heart
or frightening you or causing you pain.

Elisabet Elliot

Susannah Spurgeon
I do not know what your particular sorrow or hardship may be - but I do know that, whatever its nature - cruel, or bitter, or hopeless - it is as "nothing" to Him! He is able to deliver you - as easily as you can call upon Him for support and help. Dear friend, think of all the hard things there are in your life: hard circumstances, difficult duties, grievous pains, sore struggles, bitter disappointments, hard words, hard thoughts, a hard heart of your own, a hard heart in others.

Gather all these, and many more together, and pile them one on another till you have one great mountain of afflictions - and your God still calmly asks the question, "Is there anything too hard for Me?"

A.P. Peabody
Heaven and eternity, brought to light by Jesus, re-echo the exhortation — "Hope thou in God." Have we the testimony of His love within? Are we living by the law and in the spirit of Christ? Have we the consciousness of pardoned sin and of souls at peace with God? If so, however heavy our outward burdens or sorrows, we may well ask, in self-rebuke, "Why art thou cast down?"

Lloyd-Jones, cited in Boice
You have to take yourself in hand, you have to address yourself, preach to yourself, question yourself. You must say to your soul: ‘Why art thou cast down – what business have you to be disquieted?’

Into the ear of the Saviour
Do you know the blessedness of confiding your every need and every care - your every sorrow and every cross - into the ear of the Savior? He is the "Wonderful Counselor." With an exquisitely tender sympathy He can enter into the innermost depths of your need. Your need may be great, but the everlasting arms are underneath it all. (John MacDuffy)

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Yes, Hallelujah!! Wonderful Counselor! Prince of Peace!!

  2. Ah Aritha - thank you friend for this encouraging post. It was much needed today. Truly what a wonderful savior we serve. Hugs!

  3. Die eerste tekst is toch uit Psalm 42??

  4. Prachtig stukje overigens!!
