13 okt 2020


It is by an act of simple, prayerful faith we transfer our cares and anxieties, our sorrows and needs, to the Lord.

Jesus invites you to come and lean upon Him, and to lean with all your might upon that arm that balances the universe, and upon that bosom that bled for you upon the soldier's spear!

But you doubtingly ask: 'Is the Lord able to do this thing for me?' And thus, while you are debating a matter about which there is not the shadow of a shade of doubt, the burden is crushing your gentle spirit to the dust. And all the while, Jesus stands at your side and lovingly says: 'Cast your burden upon Me and I will sustain you.

I am God Almighty. I bore the load of your sin and condemnation up the steep of Calvary, and the same power of omnipotence, and the same strength of love that bore it all for you then, is prepared to bear your need and sorrow now. Roll it all upon Me!

Because Jesus is the Almighty God, His people have an Almighty Burden-Bearer. We are a burdened people. Every believer carries a burden peculiar to himself.

What is your burden, O believer?

  • Is it indwelling sin?
  • Is it some natural infirmity of the flesh?
  • Is it a constitutional weakness
  • Is it some domestic trial?
  • Is it a personal or relative trial?
  • Is it the loss of property?
  • Is it the decay of health?
  • Is it soul anxiety?
  • Is it mental despondency?

Come, oppressed and burdened believer, ready to give up all and sink! Behold Jesus, the Almighty God, omnipotent to transfer your burden to Himself, and give you rest!

It is well that you are sensible of the pressure - that you feel your weakness and insufficiency - and that you are brought to the end of all your own power.

Now turn to your Almighty Friend, who is the Creator of the ends of the earth - the everlasting God, who does not faint, neither is weary.

📕 from Christ's Sympathy to Weary Pilgrims, by Octavius Winslow (via Avis)

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Aritha - this is just the perfect words for my soul today. I needed to read them and spend time meditating on your lovely thoughts. God bless you friend. Hugs!

  2. Hi Aritha, Jesus is the only One we can cast our burdens on as He is our strength and in Him we have peace. God bless
