29 sep 2017

Are You a Light?

Do you love candle light? I do. As soon as autumn begins, I buy candles.. Sometimes I turn out the lamp light to enjoy the warm, natural light of my candles.


In summer holiday I bought a book, written by C.H Spurgeon. And yesterday I've read what he wrote about candles. I mean; about: The Candle:

I like our translator’s reading the word candle — “Neither do men light a candle,” for nowadays a candle is the smallest of all lights. We almost despise a candle in these days of the electric light, yet small lights are useful and tiny lamps have their sphere.


I readed that God has many small lights. In His great house He has candles as well as stars and He would not have even a small light wasted. Even the most twinkling ray of light is of God’s kindling.

You are a little light, but if the Lord has given you even a spark of the sacred fire, He means that you should shine! Your light, my friend, may be but a farthing rushlight, but you must not hide it, for all lights are of God and are sent with a kind and gracious purpose by the great Father of lights.


Is your light too small in your eye? Maybe. In God's eye? No. God taught me yesterday that it doesn't matter how big or small your candle is! 

C.H. Spurgeon:
Your light, my friend, may be but a farthing rushlight, but you must not hide it, for all lights are of God and are sent with a kind and gracious purpose by the great Father of lights. The church and the world need all the light that has been provided and much more.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. So beautiful... I love candle light, too. There's so many references to light in the Bible! Thank you, sweet Lady, for sharing and linking up today! Happy Friday to you!

  2. That's beautiful. Charles Spurgeon has written some of the most beautiful, thought provoking words ever. What book did you buy of his? I only have Morning and Evening devotions.

    1. Nonnie, the only thing I know is that this is the translation of A SERMON DELIVERED ON LORD’S-DAY MORNING, APRIL 24, 1881, AT THE METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE, NEWINGTON. The Dutch book: Gelijkenissen van de Heiland (Parables of the Savior).

  3. Thank you for posting this it was very good for me to read. I needed to hear this. Again, thank you!

  4. This was wonderful! I needed to remember that even my little candle is a valuable light in God's kingdom. This was wonderful!! Thank you.

  5. Candles and stars...such beauty they provide. Your post was very beautiful and a great, gentle remind not to hide our light under a bushel.

  6. Beautiful post, and full of light!! Amen!
    PS I love candles too, especially since observing the Shabbat I love to light the candles on Friday night !
