31 mrt 2018

Learn About the WHY

Question: Why was Jesus “buried”?

Answer: His burial testifies that he really died.

Question: Why does the creed add, “He descended to hell”?

Answer: To assure me during attacks of deepest dread and temptation that Christ my Lord, by suffering unspeakable anguish, pain, and terror of soul, on the cross but also earlier, has delivered me from hellish anguish and torment. (1)

Source: Heidelberg Catechism

3 opmerkingen:

  1. So true, Ariella -- His burial leaves no room for speculation that He did not really die. Praise God, Christ is risen indeed! Thanks for the great post and beautiful photo!

  2. Though Christ’s enemies doubtless intended that his grave be that of a common criminal (he was crucified between two thieves), it is absolutely remarkable that a prophet, seven hundred years earlier, foretold that the Lord would be buried with the “rich.”

    Isaiah 53:9 --And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.

    How could such a prediction possibly have happened by chance? It could not have. Ordinary human beings are unable to predict the future — no matter how many ridiculous claims there are to the contrary.

    However, He who knows “the end from the beginning” is able to see the future, cause it to be written, and finally fulfilled (Isa. 46:10).
    Further, the tomb was marked and authenticated with a Roman seal.

    If a door had to be sealed, it was first fastened with some ligament, over which was placed some well-compacted clay [or wax], and then impressed with the seal, so that any violation of it would be discovered at once (Job 38:14; Song 4:12; Mt. 27:66) (McClintock, 9.492-493).

    It would be absurd to assume that the Romans kept no records of such important documentation.

    The burial of Jesus, therefore, is a matter of supreme importance — intricately related to both the Savior’s death and his resurrection. And it should not be passed over lightly.

    Among the Jews there was an anointing with spices, when such could be afforded, to retard the stench of decomposition (cf. Jn. 11:39; see Borchert, 282).

    Here is an important observation. The fact that the friends of Christ provided spices, and anointed his body for burial, clearly reveals that they had not grasped the significance of Psalm 16:10, namely that his flesh would not experience “corruption” (cf. Acts 2:25-28) because he would be raised. What is the importance of this point?

    After Jesus’ death, the disciples did not concoct some outlandish plan to steal the body and proclaim that he had been resurrected! They did not anticipate the resurrection. They fully expected the corpse to decay and return to the dust. It was only seeing him on that Sunday following his death (and subsequently for 40 days) that generated their faith in a risen Lord. This is extremely powerful circumstantial evidence of the genuine resurrection of the Savior’s body.

    Christianity is based upon a buried and resurrected Lord. The religion is genuine and stands unique, in contrast to all other religious systems — either ancient or modern.
    --by Wayne Jackson

  3. Thank you for this post! SO THANKFUL THAT HS IS RISEN!!! happy EASTER
