3 mei 2019


Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

Matthew 11:28 was the text of the preacher one night. He was a true and warm hearted man, and as he drew near the close of his address, his heart was so full of Christ that his lips could not express what he felt, and wanted to say.


All he could say was: "Come unto Me - what does it mean? Come unto Me - what does it mean?" Again and again he repeated: "What does it mean? What does it mean?"

All at once, a little girl, sitting on a front seat, timidly rose and, childlike, held out her hand. "Well," said the kindly preacher, "what does it mean, dear child?" She smiled. "Please, sir, it means that He wants me," was the touching reply."


The preacher sat down. Both he and the people felt no more need be said. Hearts became tender, eyes became wet with tears, and afterwards one and an­other said: "The wisest and most able among us could not have given a truer and sweeter exposition of the text. "Come unto Me means that He wants me."

I heard the voice of Jesus say,
"Come unto Me and rest:
Oh, weary one, bowed down with care,
Come, lean upon My breast. 
There is no load I cannot bear; 
Nor burden that I will not share, 
So cast on Me thine every care; 
Come unto Me and rest.

All ye that labor come to Me
And I will give you rest. 
Though heavy laden you may be, 
Come, lean upon My breast." 
He spoke to me so tenderly, 
"Come, take My yoke and learn of Me: 
My burden shall rest light on thee 
And I will give you rest.

Silvia Ratcliffe Lockwood

Source: Christian Life Missionary

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