26 jan 2019


No shelter can be imagined at all comparable to the protection of God's own shadow. The Almighty himself is where his shadow is, and hence those who dwell in his secret place are shielded by himself. What a shade in the day of noxious heat! What a refuge in the hour of deadly storm! Communion with God is safety. (C.H. Spurgeon)

The more closely we cling to our Almighty Father the more confident may we be.
The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. (Deuteronomy 33:27)

Yet the God who controls the wheeling galaxies and who spoke before the foundation of the world must be the God who holds the smallest circumstance of your life in His Hands. We are encompassed on all sides by the Almighty.

His tender mercies are over all His works, steadfast love surrounds him who trusts in The Lord, and underneath are the everlasting Arms. Over, around, and underneath. We are enfolded. (E. Elliot)

Can you think of a safer place to be? You are loved with an everlasting love and underneath are the everlasting arms.

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Thankful for the amazing love of our Father God!!

  2. I love being in the everlasting arms of Jesus. There is no better place or safer place to be. Praise God for His divine protection and love. Amen!

  3. Wat mooi omschreven en prachtige citaten. Thanks for reminding me where I must seek my refuge.

  4. We are designed to bring God praise and glory. In everything we do.
